It is a 2' X 6' diorama modeling the 30.81 mile bridge between Baker siding and Charles siding. Composed of three deck girder spans of 110 feet long, the bridge crosses the Rochers River just one mile north of Tunnel A and Macdonald Falls in the Port-Cartier / Sept-Îles Wildlife Reserve.
Photo from Justin Franz - October 2001 |

Novembre 2017
Le benchwork est monté et les voies ferrées sont en place. Les trois decks du pont sont assemblés à partir de kit de Walthers. Mon atelier est situé dans un coin de mon garage qui n'est chauffé que durant le jour. Le paysage devra attendre le printemps lorsque l'humidité diminuera et que la température augmentera. En attendant je vais me servir de ce module comme voie d'essai et je devrai me concentrer sur deux nouveaux modèles de locomotives.
The benchwork is mounted and the tracks are in place. The three deck of the bridge are assembled from Walthers kit. My workshop is located in a corner of my garage that is only heated during the day. The landscape will have to wait until spring when the humidity will decrease and the temperature will increase. In the meantime I am going to use this module as a test track and I will have to focus on two new locomotive models to kitbash.

Décembre 2017